Features of migration of the population of Kyivan Rus



The problem of migrations is always relevant, as the movement large masses people affects political and economic foundations many states. Middle Ages are no exception, it was then during development feudal monarchical states that various types migration flourished. paper devoted to study peculiarities processes existence early state – Kyivan Rus, which can be considered beginning statehood modern Ukraine. It established itself caused both by military instability lands Russia, climate change, improvement conditions for agriculture in some territories deterioration others. To one degree or another, accompanied not only spread, but also mutual penetration cultural forms, standards material spiritual subsystems when they collide. Migration exchange inextricably linked. provoked appearance marriage (dynastic) diplomacy, a significant role assigned dynastic marriages princes with rulers foreign countries. Large-scale transformations Baptism Russia contributed its territory religious figures, artists, craftsmen, etc. Not all associated negative manifestations life population Rus. cities Rus gave rise surge labor migration, respects due need ensure trade routes passing through state, possibility acquiring professions specialties from Roma, who began visit en masse after baptism. constant conflicts entire period slave migration. capture captives raids common phenomenon those days, slaves were «items income». Deprivation freedom usually carried out young who, best their ability ability, tried improve integrate into society. Slavs participated either migrated families or, absence families, settled them new places. As captive slaves, according historical sources, forbidden start ways such desire even encouraged, promoted strengthened loyalty former increased number latter.

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عنوان ژورنال: Ekonomìka, fìnansi, pravo

سال: 2023

ISSN: ['2409-1944', '2786-5517']

DOI: https://doi.org/10.37634/efp.2023.2.8